The Twins have been in the market to replace general manager Terry Ryan, who was relieved of his duties in mid-July. But it seems that the team will not just hire a direct replacement. Instead, Minnesota is looking for a president of baseball operations who will in turn hire a GM and other front office personnel, Ken Rosenthal of FOX Sports reports on Twitter.
That’s not exactly a big surprise. Many teams around the league have moved toward such a two-tier approach to managing baseball operations, with variations on the general theme proliferating. And Twins owner Jim Pohlad has hinted that his club could follow suit, as Mike Berardino of the St. Paul Pioneer-Press reported in the wake of Ryan’s firing.
Still, it’s rather notable that the Minnesota organization is now apparently committed to that path. This is just my speculation, but the news could suggest that the club will look for a fairly seasoned executive to sit in the top spot, perhaps reserving the GM chair for a younger, more analytical type. Or, perhaps, the structure could help carve out a role for interim GM Rob Antony, who has been in the organization for the better part of three decades and remains under contract for next year. (For what it’s worth, after being hired as PBOp by the Red Sox, Dave Dombrowski decided to elevate Mike Hazen to serve as his GM.)
The precise nature of the arrangement obviously remains unknown — and may not even yet be decided. Rival organizations have utilized an array of different set-ups. Some presidents of baseball operation seem to hold onto many of the duties typically associated with a general manager, while others appear to be largely removed from day-to-day decisionmaking. Assessing the best arrangement for the Twins organization may well be part of the process of deciding upon a new operations chief.
As a Twins fan, I support this. I think they have a bright future with the young talent they have and I am excited to see the decisions that the new front office will make.
I’ll do it for a fraction of what those other guys will command. Lemme at ’em.
Where do I send my resume?
Came in to post this, lol
I’ll personally drive Kenny Williams to the airport if the White Sox would give him to Mn
We just got rid of our guy, don’t try to pass your guy off on us now!
Steve Adams, step right up.
Twins have people in baseball front office that are clueless. Team President is a quick fix but he will eventually clean house when he gets to the bottom of decisions that have led to the results of the last six years.
Wow, the Twins might start looking like a 21st century ballclub.
ALEX ANTHOPOULOS would be the perfect fit.
That’s an interesting name. I could see him doing well in such a role. He could be a fit in MN. Nice call
Alex would be a great President. He can work wonders on a small budget.. He gets his opposing GM’s to ” focus on the sound of my voice… , you are feeling calm… , you have a love for Brett Lawrie and are willing to trade your best player for him….Awake!
Stewart might become available and already has a history of blowing up up and coming teams.
Maybe Brian Cashman can take the job – and bring Joe Giradi with him.
No and no
I could do this job and win at least one playoff game within three years. If I failed I would accept no salary.
This is kind of a shot in the dark but imo I think Ben Cherington would be an excellent fit in Minnesota. He seemed to excel at building a great farm and holding onto good young talent. He was a bad fit for the big market Red Sox but his style should be a perfect fit for the Twins. He would inherit a farm system in good shape and a roster full of star quality young players. The biggest question mark would be the rotation. So, basically he would be taking over a team very similar to what he left in Boston. The biggest difference being Twins fans seem to have more patience and are willing to let a team rebuild correctly. I don’t think the absolute need to win exists in Minnesota and he wouldn’t be forced into bad free agent signings like Sandoval and Castillo trying to bring a quick fix to a team in the middle of a rebuild.
twins fans are more patience but its been 6 years since we were any good the patience now is very think just look at the ticket sales new field winning team even the bad 2011 team 39,000 per game now 24,000 per game
What about last year
I think Tory Hunter would be a good GM. He knows baseball players and can read players.
I hope they look at kim ng. I think she is hungry, smart….Honestly I would love to see what she does.
Whoever is hired will need to know how to work with a modest budget vs. the big $ the GM’s in NY, LA, Boston, Texas, Cubs, Tigers and several others have at their disposal.