Click here to read the transcript of tonight’s live baseball chat.
By Mark Polishuk | at
Click here to read the transcript of tonight’s live baseball chat.
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I can’t believe I just saw a Trout trade proposal. When will it end?
They seem to come up every other week…..
Mark: “I guess that’s why they call it the chat.” I spit out my “drink,” I was laughing so hard!
I didn’t realize if you forget to put in your screen name you become “guest.” That solves one mystery…..
Good comment about Tiger Stadium Mark! Never should have been torn down! The Fenway of the Midwest with all it’s quirks. Pure greed ( the 5th horseman of the apocalypse) rides again…..
How would the city afford the maintenance with no team paying rent to play there?
So for a week or so now, I’ve been seeing articles from guys like Rosenthal and Jim Bowden about how Jon Daniels is on the hot seat along with Chris Woodward. So that leads into my question: Who are some gm and managerial nominees for the Rangers? (just your opinion)
I would personally like to see Jeff Mathis become our manager next season. I like the prescence he has on the team, and tbh he feels like the manager right now with how poorly Woodward has done. Now don’t take this as me bashing Woodward, I just don’t like him as a manager. He can’t lead worth a flip.
As for gm, I don’t have a clue. All I know is that Dombro can have the Angels.
How about Bochy as a manager? I don’t think he’s done yet. As to GM/PoBO, I can’t help you there.
Not sure how you feel about it as a Rangers fan, but as a Pirate fan I’d like to see what Neal Huntington can do as a GM without Bob Nutting as his boss.
Ehh… no thanks. I don’t want to weigh risk/reward with a gm lol.
The problem with Neal is that all of his best acquisitions end up in prison.
Any hope for next year Rangers29? How do so many players underperform all at the same time?
Next year I hope Gallo comes back to form, because in all honesty, he just looks mad at himself. He needs a break, and so does Calhoun. Taveras looks really good. He has surprised me very much (though his numbers don’t echo the same sentiment). He has elite defense in center field, and he has some surprising power to go along with his on-base abilities. I want to see him develop more in 21′ (in the majors though) I want to see Huff and Tejeda spent about half of next season in AAA, because they both look good, they just have little things to work out. Huff has smashed in limited appearances though. As for Solak, he has been called “un-lucky” by managers, but to me he just seems to be over-doing it. Smashing hard choppers into the ground, missing easy balls at 2nd base, just little stuff like that. I think he needs to stay at one place (preferably 2nd), and then let Eli White or a free agent man left field. His bouncing around of positions is one of the things making his bat become poor IMO.
As for older players, I want to see Lynn traded. Trade him for one top 100 guy (I like Groshans), and some more top 10 farms guys, and move on. (Maybe pair Lynn and Montero to up the return). I want to see a free agent left fielder come in like Brantley or Ozuna, and I want to see Kluber return. JD said he doesn’t want to see guys get blocked, but I doubt they would mind Eli White getting blocked since he just seems like a fourth outfielder.
Next season will be rough, but I hope we see some FO changes, and maybe a nice change of culture in Texas. I won’t cheer for us to tank from the beginning, but if it looks like we are gonna hit 100 losses (which I doubt), I will be cheering for Christian Little’s name in the 2022 draft all day.
Still think a 3rd team in NY is not a good idea. It has nothing to do with whether NY can support 3 teams, it’s about growing the sport in areas where baseball lacks presence. A city like Portland, Oklahoma City, San Antonio, Nashville, Charlotte, etc, would be much more appreciative of a team than NY, where a team in Brooklyn would be just another NY team.
Plus NY, besides their 2 MLB teams, has 2 NFL teams, 2 NBA teams, and 2 NHL teams. How fair is a 3rd MLB team in NY, when other cities, who might have only one team from another major league sport, or even none, is denied an MLB team just to put a 3rd one in NY? A 3rd team in NY makes as much sense as a 3rd team in LA.
Not bashing Mark, as I’m a big fan, I just disagree on this point.
A Brooklyn team would be nice for nostalgic reasons but your points are more valid…..
MLB has a major issue appealing to black America. Nets moved to Brooklyn, changed colors to black-and-white and have a swanky arena off Fulton Ave. You’re thinking geographically. A lot of NYC fans are older or tourists. Brooklyn would be the 4th largest city, if apart of NYC.
What’s wrong with thinking geographically? It’s makes more sense than clustering 3 teams in one spot. With a team in the Bronx it’s doubtful another team in Brooklyn would make that much of a difference attracting young black Americans. Plus, it isn’t like the Nets moved to Brooklyn from the Midwest. They were already in the NY Metro area.
It’s about young kids, rooting for their home team. And if that home team happens to be a baseball team it’s a way to get those kids into baseball.
I would have to imagine most kids in Portland are big NBA fans, because the Trailblazers are their only major league team. If the goal is diversity, put a team in a city with a large black population, like Memphis. It seems to me that would probably be more effective than a 3rd team in NY.
The affiliates who’ve supported their team for years deserve first crack. Nashville is one. Charlotte too. Indianapolis.