The Reds want manager Dusty Baker back for the 2013 season. General manager Walt Jocketty planned to meet with Baker and offer him a short-term contract this morning, Bob Nightengale of USA Today reports (on Twitter).
The Reds were eliminated from the playoffs yesterday, ending a season that saw the team win 97 games and the NL Central title. Baker, who has managed the Reds since 2008, recently missed some time after suffering a mini-stroke. However, he recently said he's "not through managing," an indication that he expects to return for at least one more season.
The Reds have won the NL Central twice since Baker was hired, and their overall winning percentage for the five year period is .517. The 63-year-old earned $3.5MM per season on his first contract with Cincinnati.
And there goes the silver lining of the Reds’ early exit.
at least your fan base isn’t being painted as racists for wanting him out. lucky you.
-cubs fans
I’m a Cardinals fan and I thought that was an idiot argument. No, its just that some of us think he isn’t a very good manager. Its an opinion based on his decisions. What kind of an idiot would want to fire a hypothetical “best manager ever” because he isn’t the right race? Very few of us I’d like to think.
2010? Overmatched. 2011? Underachieved. 2012? Choked. How many managers keep their jobs after that? Apparently only one…
I’m very appreciative of Dusty for getting us to this pint but I see more moments like this playoff series as long as he’s in control. He just doesn’t know how to manage game at a time. He was great the first two games because it didn’t require any management but he really blew it in the 4th game, leaving Leake in way too long when he was obviously outmatched. He allows his team to fall into a “defeated” mentality when they are down 4-5 runs…
I say let Dusty retire and offer Chris Spier a two year contract to prove what hes got.
they need to get rid of stubbs and bring up hamilton and put him in center field.. asap.. lol
Well, if Baker returns you know you’re getting Willie Harris in CF if Stubbs is moved…
I wouldnt say get rid of Stubbs but I’m ready to see the second coming of Slidin’ Billy. And I’m not even a Reds fan
Great, so this means another year where Drew Stubbs will be our starting outfielder and more than likely we will plug a Veteran into our starting 3rd base job while Todd Frazier and Chris Heisey ride the pine. This should be fun.
The only issue I have with Baker is his love for hitting guys that hit like pitchers in the 1 and 2 slots of the order and play a 3B that has been done for about two years.
What other manager could be in charge of a playoff team, and have the fans at large asking for his firing? With all the changes in thinking and progressive approach to examining how teams are run, I have no idea how Baker still has a job.
Baker is worth every penny. He is a class act, and a great man to run a team. Kinda wish he could come manage my Red Sox =[
They shouldn’t have let go of Francona. That was a big mistake. I don’t get how the best GM in Epstein and the best manager in Francona are booted away by a crazy Red Sox owner who clearly got impatient with only 1 bad season. But in regards to your comment, I have to wonder your reasoning as to Baker being a “great man to run a team”
The problem is, too many Reds fans were bandwagon Cubs fans and the Cub fans hate Baker. Baker made me scratch my head more than once, but shoot, they dominated the central… and if it wasn’t for injuries, I believe they would have dominated the Giants.
Those speaking about Stubbs turned the corner a bit in the playoffs, solid contact most AB’s, his average wasn’t there but he was more productive that Votto. I believe Stubbs has earned at least a month or 2 of trial next year. So much talent, just has to tap it.
You can not judge a player based on just 5 games. Stubbs has gotten worse each year and he’s going to start to get expensive. Honestly it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he was a non-tender this year. If Bowden was still a GM he’d jump all over him a 5 tool player that can’t really use any of the tools.
I agree you cannot judge based on 5 games. But he clearly was one who stepped up (along with Phillips) for the postseason. I think Stubbs needs to be on a very short leash, but it is his spot to loose.
Stubbs hit .211 in the Giants series. 4 for 19 with a double and triple. How is that stepping up?
We won the central because Albert and Prince left. I’m pretty sure anyone could of managed this team and won the Central this year. Not hard to pencil in the same starters for 161 games. It wasn’t until postseason game 4 that Dusty had to manage the starters and look how that turned out.
I hope another team offers him a contact and he leaves. We can take part of his salary and get a decent CF.
should have started latos in game 4
Baker deserves zero credit for the Reds great season. His managerial decisions in games are often questionable. He also is the kind of manager who plays certain players only because he’s friends with them, and disregards their production. (Giants fans know this). A manager that chooses friendship over talent doesn’t deserve to be credited with even a 1 year deal. I feel bad for Baker though. He has lost so many critical and must-win-to-advance playoff games throughout his tenure as MNGR. I feel like he’d make a decent bench coach…..
Wow. Pretty hard to believe. What’s happened to Walt?
Tough to be a Red fan today it seems. It’s tough to see a team play within a win of having the best record in the NL over the 162 game season….only to get beaten by a hair in the 100 yard dash by lesser teams.
Braves did it for 2 decades. It was awesome baby with a capital A
I’m guessing the Giants fans weren’t too excited in 1991 when they won over 100 games and missed the playoffs.
Sounds about time for Dusty Baker to reclaim the healm of the Cubs. I have a funny feeling, though, that his first move would be to bring Mark Prior back so he could pitch him the first 50 innings of the season.
Imagine if Baker didn’t bat Stubbs in the 1-2 holes all year and if people were actually on base for Votto. I hope they don’t offer Baker a new contract. I think he does well relating to players but when it comes down to making the line up out and in-game decisions he is one of the worst managers in baseball. Latos should have been taken out after given two runs if not should have started game 4. Frazier should have been playing for Rolen back in May already. I want a new manager. Period.