9:51pm: Loria confirmed the club made the offers, reports Juan C. Rodriguez of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. Marlins president David Samson, however, said the team had no official comment. When asked if the club could afford all three players, Samson said “It’s a problem we never suspected could happen. That’s the true answer.”
5:03pm: The Marlins have made "substantial offers" to both Albert Pujols and Jose Reyes, reports Ken Rosenthal of FOX Sports and have also offered a contract to Mark Buehrle, according to Jon Heyman of SI.com (both Twitter links). The team met with Pujols today, Reyes on Wednesday and Buehrle on Tuesday but apparently already felt comfortable enough to make contract offers, though Heyman reports there is "nothing close" to a deal with any of the three.
Miami's aggressiveness is no surprise, given how the Marlins have been in hot pursuit of several top free agents already this offseason. It's unlikely that Pujols, Reyes or Buehrle would sign so early without fully exploring the market for their services, though a blow-away offer from the Marlins could change their minds.
The Marlins' payroll was expected to increase by as much as $35MM this winter, but signing Pujols, Reyes and Buehrle would add at least $60MM to the 2012 payroll. That's a big outlay for three players — to put it in perspective, Cot's Baseball Contracts lists the entire Marlins payroll for 2011 as just under $57.7MM. Given how committed Jeffrey Loria is to put a competitive team into his new ballpark, we may have been conservative with our estimates about how much the Marlins are willing to spend this winter.
Hate hate hate hate hate…
please explain yourself
please explain your caps
Your team cannot even sign anyone right now…i doubt you would be upset if the LAD signed him…even overpaid.
TO be honest i would be upset, i am not a hypocrite.
It’s not hate, it’s fact. I’m a Mets fan that wants Reyes back, but there’s no denying his BA was fueled by a high BABIP.
Please stop trying to be be a second Bleacher Creature.
There shouldn’t even be one… But somehow he pulls it off…
No, no he doesn’t…
I apologize, but nice to meet another dodger fan… cant wait for next season
Looking forward to it as well. Hopefully we can get a new owner soon (and a new GM) and the team will get back to where it should be.
Umm, why are you yelling? Or is your caps lock stuck? Anyways, there is a difference between ground balls finding holes, and hitting a ball so hard that the infielders can’t get to it. A lot of Matt Hollidays hits are ground balls, and he’s been doing it for years. I think Reyes is similar in that way. Also, players do try to hit the ball where the fielders aren’t. So, maybe those ground balls were exactly where he wanted them.
xBABIP is based on league averages based on GB, LD, Fb , Bh. The league average for Gb is .240 Ba, most outs in a players season are GB. A discrepancy in BABIP vs. xBABIP is often proved by if they are hitting more line drives, LD =75% a basehit. For instance Coco Crisp had an xBABIP of .337, a differential of -.53 points under his actual BABIP of .284. SO xBABAIP suggests that coco crisps Ba of .265 was discrepant because he was essentially getting unlucky. IT is a proven theory however, it does have its flaws.
Baseball is a game, not an alogrythm
Theo Epstein and his two WS rings disagree
Billy Beane might be wondering whether to agree at this point.
BABIP is perhaps the most flawed metric for hitting, though your analysis for backing it up was solid. I agree that he over performed this year, but you have to couple stats with observations. I’ve watched Reyes for years, and when he’s hot he hits smoking ground balls that go for hits. Some guys just his like that.
BABIP isn’t flawed actually, it tells you exactly what it is supposed to tell you, the flaw is in the way people try to use it.
Speed guys will have higher than average BABIPs and guys who hit a lot of GBs and LDs will have higher than average BABIPs; Reyes fits all of those things.
If you regress Reyes’ BABIP all the way to his career average he would still have a batting average around .300 with a respectable OBP to go along with a very good SLG (all of this from a SS no less).
I’m not saying that Reyes wont be overpaid (we have no idea what he’s even being offered at this point), but to say that he was overrated because of his BABIP, and that he is going to regress because of league averages is a very flawed way to evaluate him.
Then you don’t understand the way xBABIP works. It is not league averages but the expected BABIP using league averages as weights. Just as obp + works 300 is league average. For a guy like Reyes his BABIP will be inflated because of his speed but if you look at his career averages for his BABIP he is almost 30 to 40 points over. I don’t believe it is flawed but it is better to use it to compare players with down years to see why.
I know how xBABIP works, but do you realize what you just said? “It is not league averages but the expected BABIP using league averages as weights.” So you’re saying it’s not leauge averages… just… league averages…
Why should a speedy GB/LD hitter like Reyes’ xBABIP use weights that figure in the likes of Adrian Gonzalezs and David Ortiz and Adam Dunn (big, slow, flyball hitters)? Tools like this work well for the general mass of players, but they tend to fall apart at the extremes (really slow fly ball hitters would have an actual expected BABIP lower than what xBABIP would give you, and elite speed GB/LD hitters would have an actual expected BABIP higher than what xBABIP would give you).
And in any case, xBABIP claims to tell you what you could expect with no “luck” so you wouldn’t even regress all the way to the xBABIP.
Good points, if you see this, please hear me out…. Yes xBABIP does not factor speed but LD% or FB% does not need to be weighted by the players speed. However GB% does. The way i look at it is i start with the number of groundballs and analyze it. For instance, jose reyes had 207 gb this year and 209 last year. YET HIS BABIP IN 2010 increased by 51 points. HIS FB in 2010 195, 2011, 181. LD 2010, 86, 2011, 104. There was a slight increase in line drives and a favorable drop in FB but these cannot be why his BABIP raised 51 points. SO why did his BABIP and consequently his BA raise astronomically. If i look at xBABIP which can tell me what he should have based on league averages, i only take in account for his FB AND LD because those should be constant and not dependent on speed. His GB do rely on speed and if you look at this year and last year they were practically the same. MEANING THAT HE WAS FINDING MORE HOLES AT AN ABNORMALLY LARGE CLIP. nothing can explain his 50 point increase other than that…
Fair enough, and I guess I came across as being harder on xBABIP than I originally meant to. I just don’t think it makes a whole lot of sense to use xBABIP instead of his actual career BABIP (which, incidentally, is lower than what his xBABIP was this year) or three year average as a baseline, especially with a guy like Reyes.
And you also don’t want to regress to either one, you simply regress toward. So saying his BABIP was high and can be expected to come down next year is reasonable, but saying that it was 50 points higher than it should have been, and therefor should be expected to come down 50 points, is overstepping the reach of either stat.
Here’s how I read this….
“xBABIP is based on league averzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz….”
You come off as one who has just discovered metrics and has decided to show everyone that he understands them. But that’s about all, anyone who’s familar with Reyes already knows that one of flaws has been that he was hitting too many balls in the air.It appears this year he cut down on that aspect of his game. Add to that the fact that he was playing for a contract, thus the career year. You are correct in that he will most likely come back to earth next year. Also, his problems have been with his hamstrings, his knees have never been an issue.
I’m sorry if I come off that way. Yet I am unaware how. Please feel free to tell me how as I dont mean to seem pretentious what so ever. Btw Reyes cut down his flyballs by 11. Not sure that is sufficient enough to be the cause of his inflated BA.
For anyone who likes internet rumors with no substantiation and zero credibility here’s what some guy posted on the Stltoday message board had to say
“The source was Josh Johnson…not afraid to reveal that. The text I was forwarded read, “Pujols was at the stadium today lookin around and he didn’t like the offer we gave him is what I heard.”
Take it for what it’s worth”
To the guys credit though he made the post at 4:17 central time when the news didn’t break that the marlins made an offer until 5:00 central.
Mozeliak hurry up and hire a manager.
Albert won’t be signing for quite a while
By that this means
Do the marlins actually believe Pujols or Reyes want to play in Miami for their nonexistent fans. Worst in baseball by the way.
they are like Heat “fans” only show up when they make the playoffs
or like the Rays fans: they show up … never 😀
just kidding 😉
You mean since they signed Lebron and Bosh. I was at several Heat games this season and it looked packed.
it was packed for specific games, they actually had horrible ticket sales, most of their sell outs happened by half time…i remember watching the heat lakers game and there was no one there the entire game it was depressing
I guess having 101% attendance for the season = no one there watching the game. Your argument is flawless brah. Even in 09-10 we had 90% attendance.
No, only early on. The Heat had to run an ad campaign called “Fan up” to try to get fans to show up to the games. It was really pathetic that they had to do that.
Strange….when I went to one this season it was empty….not even the players showed up.
Tampa bay fans dont even show up in the playoffs
Yes we do, we just don’t sell out, because over half of the people here are retired and on fixed incomes, and another large section is unemployed. However, we are in the top 5 in the league in TV viewership…this team needs to sell more advertising to increase revenue.
are you seriously a bleacher creature copy cat??
i think i came around first, just haven’t posted in a while
How bout the Yankee fans, whom leave when their team is loosing?
In all fairness though, I’ve been to a few Yankee games, and have seen fans leave when they’re winning as well. It’s all about beating the other 45,000 people to the few subway stations around the park…
“Losing”, not “loosing”. Why do so many people not know how to spell the word “lose”?
I haven’t been pointed it out yet, but it has been killing me. Thank you.
Well, somtimes the money is its own reward…
No, actually they just decided to bring both guys in, make bogus offers, and cross their fingers that Reyes and Pujols won’t accept. If by chance they do, the Marlins will, at the earliest possible allowable moment, trade both guys for C-level prospects.
A la the Carlos Delgado trade.
Let’s not forget that the Marlins have won 2 world series in the last 20 years. Alot of teams can’t say that.
Very true, and they won them by pulling off big name acquisitions like they’re trying to do here. Use a massive payroll to win a world series, then trade off the expensive guys and slum it for a few years on the cheap, then repeat. They’re more of a threat to get these guys than people are giving them credit for.
Albert Pujols will not sign a deal without a NTC I can garauntee that. I would assume the same can be said about Reyes. Whoever signs these guys will be stuck with them as long as they want to be there.
mets still paying bonilla for example
I didn’t realize in 2003 that $53 million was a massive payroll and Pudge was a big name acquisition…….
I can see them getting Reyes, but no way they get Pujols.
Better yet, 15.
It gets fans excited an something to look forward too. Shows ownership is serious.
Like they care about fans. It’s the city they care about.
but this is a chance at a new begining, one of my former co-workers was from florida and he would describe how much it sucked to get to the stadium for a game. Now with it being closer to a bigger population not off in the distance like it used to be it will for sure bring in a ton of fans. Plus season ticket sales have already gone up and they already sold out all the boxes…They are starting over…add to that they have a talented young team and ownership is clearly showing they want to win…with their potential add to that reyes and albert they might see it as a chance to win the world series and why not….also the money never hurts
a new stadium has a way of attracting fans off their couches and into ballpark . look at phillies , giants and baltimore
I’d take low attendance over being associated with Frank McCourt and being buried in debt any day. Don’t act like your franchise doesn’t have issues.
good then buccos can trade for either lomo or sanchez
Ozzie you crazy S.O.B….convincing the once penny pinching marlins to spend one two players combined, what their entire payroll was last year…This would be nuts, doesnt solve the center field problems, bullpen problems, and rotation after JJ problems…but dang…a line up of reyes-hanley-albert-stanton-lomo-gabby would be fun to watch…add to that if they sign cepedes(sp?) could be a ton of fun
Where’s Gaby going to play in that lineup? Short field? He plays first, remember? That’s some guy named Pujols’ position.
Catcher of course.
I’m pretty sure Sanchez used to be a catcher..
24 games in the minors over 3 seasons, he played 124 games at 3B over 5 seasons and was horrible.
Trade. Gaby can only play first, horrible at any other position.
I imagine Gaby would play in Tampa Bay, after they trade him to the Rays for a pitcher.
What pitcher that the Rays have would they possibly give the Marlins for Gaby Sanchez?
Wade Davis or Jeff Niemann.
good call i totally forgot about that
Whoa there man, don’t get carried away lol. Nobody believes they are going to get everyone they want.
If they landed one of those guys it would increase the cost of the next guy.
ohh I know…im not saying it will happen, it very well could. And like I said it would be very fun to watch I doubt it happens, maybe one of the two, and i doubt buehrle goes there, no clue why he would want to go there. He is from the mid west and has stated over and over and over again its sox, cards, or retirement but yes that could change.. I think they are the most likely destination for reyes because of his relationship with Hanley…albert…is a huge maybe but if they offer him the money he wants he will sign there in a heart beat. He said over and over again alst year this contract is about respect and being paid the way he should…he won his MVP’s his world series titles..is a sure to be lock for the hall so now its about the money
They need to spend on bullpen help and rotation help not two big free agents.
Ok Homer. Lay off the Duff
I personally would root for them to both sign with the Marlins. Both Latin players, big Latin market. HUGE Money involved tho. I mean I’d say 8/$225 for Pujols and 6/$125 for Reyes.
I agree…if I was the agent for Albert Pujols, I would be salivating at the extra money Pujols can get from endorsement deals from companies looking to market throughout Latin America. That is big money. Not sure if you could get that extra cash playing in St. Louis. That being said, I would actually prefer seeing him stay with the Cards.
Reyes is not getting $20 Mill+ a year. More like $15-17.5, though I agree on the years. The numbers on Pujols look good, but I think he’ll likely get 7 years.
or he likes models, topless beaches and 80 degree winters.
trust me the topless beaches.. they aren’t pretty, nightmares, terrible nightmares…
Old people in Miami? That’s so 1980’s. The old live in Boca.
he just spouts whatever he wants with no logic.
Yeah that dude needs to get out of LA a little. Miami ain’t so bad. If they get both these guys, steady the rotation, I’ll definitely check out the stadium and a game or two next time I’m down there.
my perspective on florida is based on only seeing fort lauderdale and boca raton, which are old people homes the sizes of cities. Excuse my ignorance, i hope you will FORGIVE ME
South Beach is hip hop happening
doubtfull considering he is married and a devout christian
great place to be wealthy, big latin population, amazing weather, restaurants, shopping.
ya they must be crazy or something
Sounds an awful lot like the North Shore of Long Island…
You can’t even spell. Wow.
“The Marlins offer,” *puts finger to mouth* “one million dollars!”
100 billion dollars!
100 billion Greek drachma 😀
I think I used the equivalent of that to buy lunch today.
That’s $299 million too little
The funny thing is if they cost $300MM, that’s more than half the cost of Marlins Stadium.
One billion gazillion shelebeulurlulullluuuu zillion……yen
Haha, that’s funny $h1t!
Seriously, they should have easily hired their manager 2 days ago and get to Pujols. This has dragged on way too long. FRANCONA IS RIGHT THERE MO! HIRE HIM ALREADY!
what’s it like being you?
HIPPP HIPP.. HOOOORAAYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why Francona? We don’t need to rebuild, we haven’t finished in last place for 10 years, we don’t need to throw everybody out and start over. We have a system, it isn’t broke so we don’t need to fix it, we need to keep doing what we’ve been doing.
Lack of manager isn’t the problem. Even uncertainty in St. Louis’s manager is far preferable to Miami’s (Ozzie Guillen). Pujols would strangle Guillen within a week.
8 years/ 240 million, for both..
“hey its substantial to us”
Are they sharing the contract?
package deal!
yup and Pujols has a vesting option that is exercised if Reyes doesn’t get hurt 😀
While Reyes gets incentive bonuses for Pujols reaching HR milestones?
Still not worried.
It all comes down to priorities for Albert, does he want to retire as one of the greatest players in history by what he did on the field for the same team his entire career, or is he only interested in money?
As a Braves fan, I would hate to see 1 or the both of them go to the Miami Marlins. Gotta hand it to them though if they’re really going all in for these 2 guys. Would definitely fill the seats and increase merchandise sells. These 2 and a new stadium would really turn the whole franchise around. Scary thought for the NL East.
A back to back of Pujols and Stanton sounds really intimidating.
Think I just peed a little picturing that lineup
You’re a very strange person….
Look at his name.
Ramirez-Pujols-Stanton-sounds sweet
throw Hanley in there too
the marlins organization is like the cicada. it goes dormant for 7 years or so and then wakes up and makes a heck of a lot of noise
Great post. And very solid username.
Quite honestly I’ve never understood his username..
My balls are shaking.
What happens if they both accept? Do the marlins go bankrupt?
Worse. Jeffrey Loria might actually have to pay for something.
“We didn’t anticipate that tehy’d actually accept our offer!”
They are trying to become the heat!!!
It would make sense if they offered a substantial offer to Pujols and Reyes, but not Buehrle just because Heyman reported it.
Hope Reyes takes the bait, then the fish can flip Hanley to the Tigers for Jake Turner and a few other prospects.
Why would they trade Ramirez makes no sense bro especially if they are entering a new stadium?
The Marlins’ front office really doesn’t like Hanley, he’s too full of himself to give two craps about Loria and the rest of that fishy gang. Ol’ Smokey Leyland would straighten him right out, if that didn’t work, Cabrera would beat his buttocks and MAKE him walk the line. Turner would be the team’s future ace, only a couple years away from stardom, and they could probably pry away Nick Castellanos (Tigers top 3B prospect) away at the same time. Plus the fish want revenge for Cameron Maybin and Andrew Miller.
If the Tigers wanted him enough to take his salary off of the Marlins hands don’t you think they’d just go ahead and make him an offer and not have to give you any prospects?
My bad, I thought you said Reyes.
they have said repeatedly they arent trading hanley
They HAVE to say that at the moment, because Hanley is the team’s star. Add Pujols and/or Reyes, and Hanley will be even more hot-tempered. Trust me, they’d trade him in a heartbeat if they can land Reyes. That’s why they want him so bad. I’m just hoping the Tigers can get him, he’s talented, just misguided. We’ll even throw in Inge, you know you want him, lol.
The Tigers getting Hanley would be scary. I would look forward to the challenge though. Rangers v Tigers ALCS 2012.
if all three of these free agents are indeed signed by the marlins, attendance will make an enormous jump from the regular 1500 to 10,000!!!!
man these attendance jokes never get old. ever.
What he said!
/Rays fans
he won’t leave the Cardinals for any less than 9 years 265 mil
Didn’t Jeffrey Loria take notes from the Miami Heat in 2010-2011?
These super power teams never work! Besides, he’s changing fundementally how the Marlins have won “World Series” in the past. The win the Trophy then dump all the players. Now it’s the oppositie of that, why Jeffrey, why? In 2008, the Marlins had one of the best offense’s in the league, but they couldn’t win more games than the Phillies. It must be nice to have money to burn! The Phillies are doing it, now the Marlins. Who is next?
Miami Heat lost in the Finals. They lost to one team. Jeez, what a failure.
No shame in losing to Dirk.
Miami having money is seriously scary. People laugh it off, but you’d be surprised to see how many players live in Miami. Why wouldn’t they want to play half there games at home?
True, but Buehrle and Pujols both maintain their homes near St. Louis (even in the offseason), and Reyes lives in New York.
I would love to see a Miami Marlins team with Pujols, Reyes, J Johnson, Stanton and Ramirez on it. Something tells me they are trying to be the Miami Heat of the MLB.
or the yankees of the NL….
Josh Johnson can’t make it to All Star Break… Like a piece of glass.
where does the Marlins first round pick fall and who gets it if they sign Pujols and ,Reyes?
Their 1st rounder is protected. The Cards would get their 2nd rounder, with the Mets getting their 3rd rounder.
I’ll laugh if the Mets get a third round pick for Reyes for not trading him at the deadline for banking on the 1st round pick…
Their first round pick is #9 based on the MLBTR reverse standings, and I believe that would fall into the protected range so nobody would get it.
If it weren’t protected (or it slides to their second pick) the Mets would get it in that scenario.
It’s protected…can loose it.
They’ll still have their first pick as others said. *edit.
Pujols- LeBron. Reyes- Wade. Buerhle-Bosh. They’re going to need Pat Riley’s help in this recruiting process. I say 15% they get one of these guys.
Wouldn’t Hanley have to be Wade, since he was already on the team?
yes, i was simply making a joke. but Wade has been good his whole career. Hanley, not so much.
career line of
as a SS and he’s still only 27? Fine he’s not a good fielder, but realistically he has had one down year out of 6 and that year was injury related.
He’s a slouch. He’s not a good fielder. He’s a great hitter, but last year when he was healthy, he stunk. It might have just been the fact that he didn’t care, but still.
k so which should be seen as the real hanram? the 5 years of being an offensive force or the 1 year where he wasnt?
I’ll wait here for your answer
you’re only as good as your last season.
you just made that up
I’ll take the under.
This offer was made to Pujols only for when he re-signs in St Louis, the Marlins can say “hey fans, we tried, we made him an offer! now come out and support our forever rebuilding franchise”.
Were they secretly rebuilding in ’97 and ’03 too?
Lunchbox45 makes substantial offer to Jessica Alba and Elisha Cuthbert
What the heck is he going to do if they both accept? -__-
have a really good night
Elisha Cuthbert? Look out for Sean Avery.
or Dion Phaneuf?
Don’t forget Adriana Lima.
too skinny
Pujols won’t sign there to fade away in the next 8 years
A lack of income tax in Florida should help mightily in the money department. These FA’s would get more “net” money than in other cities. I’m liking this owner but there’s just something about Florida baseball teams that seem dull and boring to me. Pujols would change that perception.
that would work if this New York, or Chicago. But the taxes aren’t that high in Missouri, and the cost of living is significantly lower than Miami. So that shouldn’t have much of an effect.
Do people making $20 million dollars/year worry about the cost of living?
for the 100 million dollar contract guys it probably doesn’t matter too much but there’s a huge difference in what kind of house you can get for 10 miillion dollars in Manhattan versus a midwestern city.
Wade is one of the most exciting players to watch and he’s been around since 03 so I don’t really see your point. But yeah, Pujols would definitely make our team much more interesting.
You’re liking Loria? Or just this version of Loria?
It’s so funny how many people aren’t going to take the Marlins seriously now that they finally decide to spend some money. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
saying you are going to spend money and actually spending money are two different things
Looks to me like they are actually trying to spend money.
why because they make an offer to a free agent.. that offer could be a 8/160 just to say they tried
seems to me this is all a big marketing ploy to stay in the news and get their name out there going in to an important season for them.. Why else would they be so upfront with meetings, offers and plans. Usually its not a good plan to let others see your cards, no other team does it until things are close, yet the marlins make it know when they call a free agent.
So you’re saying it makes more sense that there is a conspiracy by the Marlins to get their name out there and not be serious in any of their offers, rather them trying to be a mid-market team now that they are finally moving into their own stadium (which will increase revenue) and sign free agents to make their team a playoff contender (which will lead to more revenue)?
You’re right. It’s all a ploy.
Revenue won’t increase by $65 million, which is what the three free agents would make combined, and the Marlins have more holes to fill than just those three.
If they make credible offers, and fall short (i.e. offer to Pujols just around what the Cardinals offered prior to Spring Training, knowing it won’t be enough), the fan base will believe they are trying, even if they know they won’t succeed. You get the increased attendance as fans believe you will spend money to compete, without actually having to spend the money to compete.
It makes sense to sign one of the three, maybe two (if the second is Buehrle), but signing all three would bankrupt the organization.
no you’re right, building a new stadium totally adds up to the addition revenue of signing pujols, reyes and buehrle, c’mon give me a break. only 1 team in history has added that much payroll in 1 offseason and that was the yankees. you’re delusional
I’ll believe it when the checks are in the mail.
If they were to sign both of them for 6 years they might win for a few years but in the long run Pujols will get old and Reyes will be injured. Although I already know that the only team Pujols will sign with is the Cards. 🙂
Pujols will not be signing a 6 year deal.
That Marlins have become the guy at the end of the bar that will take home anybody.
Or just the best looking girls in the entire bar…
Have you seen their uniforms?
I’d say they’re hitting on all of the best looking girls in the bar, but will probably end up taking home a 6 that’s willing to put out… Bartolo Colon and Grady Sizemore
New Stadium, New big name free agents= Team goes bankrupt…Look at the texas rangers back with A-Roids.
I think those were a little different circumstances.
Yeah, Texas had more of a devoted fan base than the Marlins do.
with all rumors you have to consider who leaked it, and why. Both the marlins and Lozano have an incentive to overstate the offer. Any offer for pujols other than an insult could be described as substantial. The only question that matters is where does it compare to the Cardinals current offer.
Quite frankly, even an insult offer to Pujols could still be considered “substantial”. I have a hard time thinking of 8/$160 as anything other than substantial, yet Pujols would (and should) be insulted by such an offer.
very true, I tend to think if it was an offer higher than the cardinals offer of any significance, Lozano’s camp would have leaked it.
i always thought it would be 1 or the other. but they really made offers to pujols and reyes? wow. so there is a chance(probably super thin, but a chance nonetheless) they get both players? thats amazing
that all depends on the offer. I could make what I consider an offer to pujols to play on my softball team, it doesn’t mean that there’s a chance that you take it.
Given the assumed amount that the two of them would make together (i.e. $45 million or more)? If both offers are serious, and what the players expect to make, McCourt won’t be the last owner to declare bankruptcy.
Do they want to put all that money into 3 declining ball players, all on the back side of their career, maybe one at the apex
Signing Pujols or Fielder makes no sense. It’s not like they are going to get much for Gaby Sanchez trade. They’d have no leverage to make that deal. They’d need to trade him first then sign Pujols if they wanted to get anything back for him
I don’t think they’d be too worried about a Gaby Sanchez return if they had Pujols.
I am sorry but the The Florida Marlins are a joke along with any offers made to any high profile free agents.
Miami Marlins 🙂
*whiff* *whiff* *whiff*
Must be the Kool-Aid running from the new jerseys or something if they’re attempting at landing all these free agents.
For anyone who likes internet rumors with no substantiation and zero credibility here’s what some guy posted on the Stltoday message board had to say
“The source was Josh Johnson…not afraid to reveal that. The text I was forwarded read, “Pujols was at the stadium today lookin around and he didn’t like the offer we gave him is what I heard.”
Take it for what it’s worth”
To the guys credit though he made the post at 4:17 central time when the news didn’t break that the marlins made an offer until 5:00 central.
there any details to this apparent offer for Pujols or are we just going to have to go on not knowing?
So were Jim Baker and Jimmy Swaggert….religious people tend to be the biggest hypocrites.
I hope they all accept the offers simultaneously and the Marlins have 400 million dollars committed.