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I’ll be honored if you give us your email address. We will never sell your email address or market anything to the mailing list, and you can unsubscribe easily. My newest post, coming this afternoon, is about trading Sonny Gray. Sign up now! Those of you viewing this post in our app can use this link.
great articles
I’m a subscriber and have enjoyed all the articles so far!
Out of curiosity, if email addresses are not being sold or used for marketing, how does this newsletter benefit anybody over having just another article on the site?
It’s an exchange – you’re giving me something of value by letting me get the intimate connection of being in your inbox, hopefully for a very long time. You’re more likely to read this article in your inbox than if I put it on the site. I am (hopefully) providing value in return by writing something just for the diehards that an MLBTR passerby won’t get.
I would love to subscribe but anytime I try to enter my email thru the iPhone app it just goes to a never ending loading page