11:35 pm: Francona will ask the Red Sox to decline his option years, reports Daryl Van Schouwen of the Chicago Sun-Times. A Major League source tells Van Schouwen that Francona "has had his fill of the whole thing" in Boston and wishes to leave.
11:10 pm: Terry Francona is likely on his way out as the manager of the Boston Red Sox, reports Ken Rosenthal of FOX Sports. Francona is scheduled to meet with team management on Friday.
Rosenthal's sources say that it isn't completely certain that Boston will cut ties with Francona, but "it is the likely outcome, in part because he is pressing for a resolution" as to whether or not the Sox will pick up the option years on the manager's contract. The two-year option pickup would pay Francona $8.75MM over the next two seasons, but it seems like Boston will instead pay Francona the $0.75MM buyout. As Rosenthal notes, Francona would be immediately free to go elsewhere, and he cites the Cubs and White Sox as potential suitors.
Francona's departure would put the exclamation point on Boston's unlikely September meltdown. Just three weeks ago it seemed like a lock that Francona's option years would be exercised and he would remain the Red Sox manager for years to come. The club's stunning collapse down the stretch, however, sealed Francona's fate, particularly when stories surfaced of Francona feeling "bulletproof" about his job security and Peter Gammons' claim of "an increasing disconnect" between Francona and Theo Epstein.
In eight years as Boston's manager, Francona has a 744-552 record, reaching the playoffs five times and winning two AL pennants. Though his tenure with the team may have ended on a sour note this September, Francona will always be a legendary figure in Red Sox history for managing the club to World Series championships in 2004 and 2007.
wow. i guess 2 years of missing the playoffs requires a big change. but wow.
Classy Sox fans: Tough pill to swallow, you’ll be back next year
I am stunned, surprised and shocked. This was the last thing I expected from the Sox. I admit I hate the Sox , like all Yankees fan. But, I really like Francona. I think he is a very good manager and a really nice person.
I doubt he made this rash decision on his own. This reeks of the Boston FO. They need a scapegoat and Terry is it. Shameful.
Now, if anyone doubts that the Sox are the same as the Yanks, here is your proof. THis reeks of a George move.
I love how all the Red Sox fans are screaming for this guy to be gone. How ungrateful. They win 0 championships for 86 years until this guy comes around and brings you TWO RINGS. Now, one dreadful September, and they demand his head. It’s ok; Francona will land on his feet. I bet he goes to the White Sox.
In the past, I have wanted Francona to be fired, however I dont feel he should be fired now.
This was his worst collapse ever. What was worse than this that should have got him fired in the past?
I don’t agree with this decision though, but I’m just asking what should he have got fired in the past for?
Because Francona should be held DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE considering he’s throwing the pitches, playing defense, and swinging the bats, right?
You obviously didn’t understand what I was saying.
Travis said “In the past he wanted Francona to be fired”. I simply said this was the worst thing that happened, so what was worse in the past that made him think that Francona should be fired?
You obviously didn’t understand what I was saying.
Travis said “In the past he wanted Francona to be fired”. I simply said this was the worst thing that happened, so what was worse in the past that made him think that Francona should be fired?
Because Francona should be held DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE considering he’s throwing the pitches, playing defense, and swinging the bats, right?
i don’t want francona gone, but this
“0 championships for 86 years until this guy comes around and brings you TWO RINGS”
is ludicrous
it got cito gaston a second job, lol
Yeah, that was off th wall there and will be some more posts here and all over from people like that with -0- clue with regards to little Tito and the entire situation.
Francona had HORRIBLE injury problems to deal with the last 2 years, in 2010 it was nearly the entire team it seemed, yet still almost took the team to the playoffs and this year the staff took a huge hit. IMO the team could still have had that wild card spot had he not played his pet veterans, even up until the end like Drew as an example. That is his flaw. He seems (or seemed in Boston) to get close to some players and play some people out of loyalty alone, whether or not it hurts the team.
My only wish now is that they bring in someone to clean that mess up and sweep away some of the ones he grew attached to and more than likely, convinced Epstein were essential to the team. Tek, mcDonald, even activating Drew at all at the end of the season to finish his Sox career.
you basically have to get your story straight (not you)
either the manager plays a big role, in which case he has to take significant blame here and you shouldn’t be overly upset. or
the manager’s role isn’t that significant, this really isn’t his fault, but he also doesn’t get big credit for all the winning teams he managed
i choose #@openid-77336:disqus . i like him; i would prefer that he stay. but if he wants to leave or they need to fire him, it’s not going to be a big deal
…i do not choose Aaron S or know who he is. i choose the second option
Well I choose Aaron S if you won’t.
Well I choose Aaron S if you won’t.
How is it ludicrous? It’s not like he did it himself, but he managed two champions when they hadn’t won anything for 86 years.
How is it ludicrous? It’s not like he did it himself, but he managed two champions when they hadn’t won anything for 86 years.
Yeah because his managerial genius was the reason they won in 2004 and 2007….
…because a monkey could have won two titles? No one is saying Tito is a genius here, but it’s pretty appaling that he’s being thrown under the bus like this.
It doesn’t look like that’s what’s actually happening, it looks like he’s the one who wants to leave.
uh, he saying that to be political correct. But, the odds are that Espstein and Henry are behind this one.
He’s saying that he’s had enough of Boston to be politically correct? That makes sense.
He’s saying that he’s had enough of Boston to be politically correct? That makes sense.
Do you know how to read? Because if you can point out where it has been said a “monkey” could have won in 2004 and 2007 then please let me know. But when a team has stars like Manny, Ortiz, Schilling, Pedro and Varitek (lol) then the manager is the LAST factor when it comes to winning.
because all the years with those guys before Francona brought in rings?
It’s Theo Epstein’s sabermetrics that brought them a championship… duh.
I don’t think either should get all the credit, but they both are big parts of the success of those two teams.
… and Schilling wasn’t there until 2004. You can go back to 2003 when Pedro blew game 7 though.
Regardless, no other manager won with that franchise for 86 years. He’s a historic figure for them.
if ya yankee fans like him so much then ya should hire him, with the teams he had in 04 & 07 anybody could have win, even Giraldi, only Giraldi and Torre are worse managers than this guys is, so if u guys need and update, and I think u guys do then just go and hire him..
Who the hell is Giraldi?
I think he meant Geraldo.
classic “what have you done for me lately? Poor Terry. Theo next?
Not all Sox fans want the departure of Tito. We are all grateful for what he’s done for the club and will be sad if he leaves. All you Sox haters need to wake up and smell the coffee.
This will be a monumental mistake by the Sox brass. Wrong guy to fire/let go.
I agree. This is a bad move .
CST is saying that its tito that wants out, not the other way (chicago sun times)
Of course he wants out – he’s about to get canned and he knows it!
48 hours. Damn.
Is he washing the Red out of his White Sox, perhaps?
Idiots, Francona is not the problem, the real problem is the farm, their minor leagues are awful, you can´t buy ace pitchers every offseason, trade for Felix Hernandez,
Lavarnway, Youkilis, Ellsbury and Middlesbrooks…
which ace pitcher did they buy or trade for? beckett 6 years ago? they only gave up hanley ramirez to get him
“the real problem is the farm”
ah, yes. that’s what did them in. forget the rays, it was that damn pawtucket squad
“they only gave up hanley ramirez to get him”… now THAT is funny!
+1. The guys on the field with the exception of Dustin Pedroia play with no heart and no passion all September? Obvious solution for the Red Sox brass: Deflect blame and can the skipper.
Managers are paid consultants, they’re paid to take the fall when the team screws up.
You can add Scutaro, Aceves (dear god resign him…) to that list of players who showed up.
Can’t forget Ellsbury. The only reason he may not win MVP is because the team collapsed. He more than did his part at the end.
To be honest, I’d trade Ells for a SP this offseason. Value never higher and I think he slammed through his average numbers for the rest of his career.
Trade him for a SP? They already have beckett, lester and Bucholz. That is a pretty nifty top 3. Just because lester and beckett got tired and worn down is to not toss them aside and a number 4 or 5 starter, then all of a sudden have to give up one of the best all around players in the league this past season to add yet another top notch starter.
Buchholz is far from top tier and Beckett never finishes a season. Plus, if Philly this season and SF last season showed us, pitching gets you in.
“Buchholz is far from top tier”
not that far. and they don’t need another top tier guy anyway, just solid 3-4 types. clay qualifies
i don’t think ellsbury will ever see 30 HRs again, but even if he becomes a 20 HR guy with the extra-base-hit ability he’s always had and stellar defense in center, that’s super valuable. unless carl’s moving to center and the return is great, i don’t think it should be done
Nope, me either. I do wonder though if they make a real push for Wilson (or possibly Darvish?).
do not want but it’s possible
as much as we could have used him this season, i’m still kinda glad daisuke is gone. game 162 was approximately as painful as every game he started
wake can gtfo too
Definitely agree about Dice-K and Wake.
What would you do for the open starting spot next year? I’m not real excited about any of the options myself. (not that a #5 is a huge deal)
harden or someone like that, maybe a trade but not for a top-tier guy
while i don’t want drastic measures taken in general as a response to this fiasco, i would love it if made theo extra aggressive in trade exploration this winter
You’re thinking about Upton again, aren’t you?
it keeps him up at night
think they’ll still take lowrie?
wake for manager
Wake will be doing geritol commercials by Late December…
Come on Wake is like your team mascot.
I’d rather watch Wally pitch, now that you mention it.
I’d rather watch Wally pitch, now that you mention it.
I used to agree with you on this. But now, I believe that we need 5 number 1 starters, just to match the Rays. And I have to question whether Beckett and Lester are legit number 1-2 starters anymore. Their performance down the stretch of the last 2 seasons convinces me that they are more like #3-4 material, at least as applied to the AL East. If Buchholz can return next season, stay healthy, and pitch up to the level of his 2010 performance, then I will agree that Clay is top tier. But I think you probably have him assessed correctly as a number 3.
I would go out and try to sign both Wilson and Shields to replace Lackey (outright released) and Wakefield (not re-signed).
with respect, your assessment of lester and beckett is the epitome of reactionary nonsense. they’ve proven the ability to perform in the postseason before and had very good years. don’t be fooled by small samples
and i’m writing those words as a guy who places the whole season‘s blame primarily on lester and beckett. i’m not cutting them slack, just being realistic
Not reactionary nonsense at all. Yours is the epitome of ignorance. You ignore the past two seasons. My patient analysis is based on two years of failed performance, not the heat of a melt down that you admittedly ascribe to Beckett and Lester. You’re not being realistic. You are being undeservedly loyal to guys who’ve proven to be chokers in the last 2 seasons. Age and wear and tear, mixed with repeated failure, predict future failure for them.
Aceves is arbitration eligible this winter for the first time. The Sox will control his rights for at least three more seasons, pending a surprise non-tender.
Where do you live? I’ll come serenade you with classic 80s love songs for the next 7 hours.
Translation: I didn’t know that. Awesome news.
I could be wrong, but I believe this is incorrect. Aceves was non-tendered by the Yanks, which made him a free agent. Once you become a free agent under the CBA, you can never return to team control/arbitration eligibility, despite having low service time. So I believe he’s a free agent that the Sox need to re-sign to a negotiated contract or offer him arbitration, which he could then accept or decline.
“Once you become a free agent under the CBA, you can never return to team control/arbitration eligibility, despite having low service time.”
not the case. if they offer him arbitration, he cannot decline
“no heart and no passion”
lol gtfo
Adrian Gonzalez posted a below average PAR down the stretch.. (Passion Above Replacement)
after the game, adrian basically blamed god. i wish athletes would do that more often
god is always getting thanks, I’m glad someone finally blamed him for something.
god lacked heart and passion down the stretch
not when evan longoria prayed
good point. scott proctor after 55 pitches is decidedly heaven-sent
Total speculation by the Sun Times; no factual evidence, just conjecture and second hand information.
$9 million over 2 years on one of the most high-profile teams in sports with a committed ownership group, talent-laden roster and a productive farm system?
He would’ve had no problem staying if ownership hadn’t balked
dunno. his comments in the press conference sounded to me like the politest way possible of saying “i didn’t really like this team this year”
i don’t find it hard to understand at all why a manager would want out of the boston market. his resume will get him a job anywhere, and he’ll be more appreciated anywhere else
I take it back. Tito wanted to leave apparently, and I don’t blame him: suntimes.com/sports/baseball/whitesox/7952063-419/…
The aftermath of a melt down.
f the White Sox have designs on making Boston Red
Sox manager Terry Francona their successor to Ozzie Guillen, one
important door has been opened.
Francona has had enough of his eroding Boston
experience, a major-league source said, and will ask the club not to
exercise the option on his contract.
“He has had his fill of the whole thing,’’ the source told the Sun-Times.
via the CST IT IS TITO that wants out, not THEO
Regardless of who made this decision, its a bad one for Red Sox fans. Sorry guys.
i don’t approve, but i don’t think it’s a very big deal. it’s dumb because it’s unnecessary and he’s well liked, but it’s not going to sabotage anything
Are you telling that to me or to you?
you. managers are PR guys to me. generally not a huge deal
you. managers are PR guys to me. generally not a huge deal
I don’t think its red sox firing him, its either Tito just wants out, time off, or its mutual
whoa. .
Damn! Let’s bring Francona to Houston and reunite him with Brad Mills. Only 99 losses for Houston in 2012.
I’m glad I’m not the only one to think that hahah
Tito’s the one that should go, trading for all these players and letting them walk shortly after. Giving up guys like masterson for a rental of V mart and crap like that. THAT’s why their farm is deminished.
red sox posts are magnets for stupidity
do you know what, besides 2 very good seasons, boston got out of martinez? matt barnes and henry owens
masterson had a 5.79 era in september this year
And Jon Lester had a 5.40 era in september this year. I guess this means we should get rid of him too, huh?
This smacks of — dare I say it? — Steinbrennerism.
The Red Sox have changed in their character over this last decade. The pink hats, megabuck signings, Wall Street characters in the front office, etc. Not the Sox of the 20th century.
You didn’t win in the 20th century…. (at least not in the latter 80% of it)
I can see the Nationals making a big play for Francona…
OMG, this is the wrong move by the Sox, the absolute WRONG MOVE
Fredi for Francona. Ha.
Turns out, you really can’t keep your job after a monumental failure of a September where you go from being in 1st place to not even getting to the playoffs.
I mean honestly, what’s a team to do? You can’t fire the players who sucked, you have to get rid of the manager who didn’t even get .500 out of guys who should have been able to do much better over the last month of the season.
obviously you didnt read that terry was tired of the red sox, on the top of the page…
There’s this thing, it’s called “saving face”. Maybe you’ve heard of it?
Or perhaps he’s tired of being blamed for something that wasn’t his fault and realizes he will never, ever get a fair shake in Boston again after this.
Somebody had to take the fall.But it shouldn’t be him
i blame george bush
george bush doesn’t like carl crawford
not surprising. .255/.289/.405 for $20M qualifies as domestic terrorism
Hahah.. A++
He’s not the fault that the Red Sox can’t pitch. The good man will be the manager of some team in the future. Possibly the White Sox, Nationals, and please Mets sign this guy lol!
Wow, this is crazy. I didn’t think they would actually fire Francona or Theo.
me neither, I thought it would all blow over.
…and they didn’t even get anything for him! could have atleast gotten a prospect or 2
sounding now like francona is the one who wants out. that makes much more sense to me
Yeah and your Jays have already swiped John Farrell away to boot.
Who would fill his shoes? If he leaves—and I hope he stays—I hope that it is wholly his decision, because it’s a big mistake on the part of the Sox to get rid of him.
If I hear Bobby Valentine to the Red Sox in ANY rumor (I don’t care if it is completely off base), I will scream.
Hey my cousin who knows a guy told me Booby Valentine is getting the Red Sox manager job!
Dave Martinez?
Haha, just like a spoiled rich kid (and a great metaphor for the Red Sox), he takes takes his ball with him, and goes home. Loves it.
You used the rod like, so it would actually be a simile.
Why does everyone say that it is the players fault and ‘they didnt try’? Im sure they wanted to win every game they played. It just didnt go ther way and thats why they play the games.
they did try, but it’s still their fault
john farrel left one year too soon
eckersley for manager
farrel’s probably thinking the same thing
he probably likes it in toronto. i would
do you like him? is he a stopgap or would you keep him around for the revolution?
he started off really really rocky.. Especially in bullpen management, seemed like every move he made ended up backfiring.. You only get so many chances with me when you keep sending out Dotel to face lefties..
but over the season he got better OR the bullpen got so bad that it didn’t matter what he did..
Either way, he’s very well spoken, is a great interview and seems to be willing to adapt, change and learn from his mistakes.. So I like him fine for now, not sure if he’ll be here for el revolution
I guess he is an okay manager but I don’t think much of managers except for Maddon. Farrell overkills it with small ball and baserunning at times though they struggled as a team to hit with RISP so maybe he tried to create something. Bullpen managing overall sucked for the season but Jays had quite a horrible pen.
One thing I can’t forgive him for, Corey Patterson caught stealing 3rd base with 2 outs and Bautista up.
Was that a managerial decision or just Patterson giving himself the green light?
Happened more than once I think, not just him but in general, stealing with 2 outs.
Farrell said he had assigned green, yellow, red lights to each player so if Patterson is green light then well… Farrell gave it to him. If he has yellow then Farrell told him to steal.
For his first year as a manager I think he did just fine. Learned from his mistakes (or at least wants to) and I think he’ll be a lot smarter and, obviously, more experienced in 2012.
would demarlo hale get a look at all?
i really have no read on how epstein & co. would choose a manager, but i doubt hale will get any serious consideration
two birds with one stone IMO and give the job to varitek
No joke, I wonder if Tek would be interested (and how he would do at it)? I’d imagine they’d want him to manage one of the minor league teams or be a bench coach or something first?
i really don’t think there’s that much for him to suck at, except maybe talking to heidi watney
players love him, he knows pitchers and presumably bullpen management. he would probably get a bigger salary as a manager than a player
varitek for manager, schilling for pitching coach. wakefield can try his hand and 3B coach i guess. he’s got the gut for it
I really think I could get behind the idea of Tek for manager.
I really think I could get behind the idea of sucking with Heidi Watney
that sounded better in your head i bet
Yes it did, but then again I’d be banned for life if I typed what I was actually thinking about Heidi
I really think I could get behind the idea of sucking with Heidi Watney
Please no.. He would insist on being a player manager and they would never get rid of his gawd awful bat and arm (joking)
I vote for Jim Rice as manager, I need more of that guy in my life…
*moments after the season is lost in devastating fashion*
“i think they’ll probably bring Drew back”
jim rice, master troll
Coming from a Yankees fan any team would be lucky to have Francona on there team to help them win. He won two rings with them and I’m sure he will win a couple more. If there are any typos its cause I’m a little drunk. Go Yankees!
You’re welcome in St. Louis Terry.
probably a good place for him, actually
That just raised for me the horrifying idea of LaRussa as the Red Sox manager.
Me too. But he can still come to St. Louis. I’d rather have a sober veteran manager than a drunk, senile fool like La Russa.
My gosh.. Stared reading these posts, responded to the crying to 2 and can no longer take it.
The fly by night red Sox fans have already started.
go find another team people. Some of us have not only grown up before the ’67 Impossible Dream team, but seen worse collapses than this and gotten over it without this much whining.
I thought I read that no team has entered September with a 9 game lead and then subsequently miss the playoffs?
I once read where no team had a 3-0 lead and lost a best of seven series
Haha, that’s so funny! No one has ever pointed that out to me before…..
Anyway, I wasn’t attempting to be insulting or snarky, I was legitimately asking about the part of johnsilver’s post that said “Some of us have not only grown up before the ’67 Impossible Dream team,
but seen worse collapses than this and gotten over it without this much
But good job living in 2004.
That’s what all those “sports news” people keep saying. But what you have to understand is that most of the oldtimer Sox fans are martyrs. Is it my fault that I was born in the 80s and that this is the most disgusting month of baseball I have ever seen and that I want the head of John Lackey served to me on a platter of gold? I think not.
Edinson Volquez for the rights to negotiate with Tito.
would not be surprised if kenny williams reaches out to him. Tito did used to be a minor league manager for the whitesox back in the day…would not be against tito as a manager but at the same time as a sox fan. I would like a younger manager who is ready to work on a rebuild, maybe a more sabermetric minded type manager..less old school
Sabermetrics error calculation doesn’t include mass injuries, but you already knew that. Tito’s best players have been the prototype for the sabermetric theory, Pedroia and Youk, yet someone thought JD Drew fit in there as well. Tito should not be the scapegoat or even have been put in that position. I remember when Theo messed with the Millar factor. Manny was never Manny again.
Never said he was a scapegoat at all. He just comes off like an old school manager. Yea a darn good one that unwound love to see back in the whitesox organization. But at the same time us sox fans have had old school managers for the past 10 or so years. Maybe it would be time for a younger fresh take on managing. That being said if Kenny likes Tito and Tito can work with Kenny. Bring him home!
Sorry, I may have mixed words. I never said YOU claimed Tito is a scapegoat, I meant “fans” in general.
Sorry, I may have mixed words. I never said YOU claimed Tito is a scapegoat, I meant “fans” in general.
Kenny better go after him, this would be an excellent hire
are the Braves sending champagne to Fenway every night for a year? Nobody talking about their same epic collapse. Half game difference.
Nah, as a Braves fan, I’m still furious that the entire coaching staff will be returning next year.
I wonder how this effects Pedroia. Who will he play cribbage with?
Shame that Fredi Gonzalez doesn’t feel the same way that Francona does.
Too bad the Mets already exercised Terry Collins’ 2013 option.
Jose Canseco has managerial experience!
Joe Maddon would be the best option..tho its never going to happen..i dont even know how long Joe’s contract with the Rays extends…but the man is a baseball god.
I certainly don’t believe a manager has that much influence on his team; it’s the players. But if Francona decides to hang ’em up in Boston I wouldn’t mind seeing Tony LaRussa in here. They would need more of a disciplinarian who understands what it takes to win (not a Joe Kerrigan/Jimy Williams type)
I will not be happy if Francona is let go. His players simply did not perform in September, I’m sick of the manager being the easiest excuse for it. Francona has done nothing but have a good staff around him and get the best out of all his players since he’s been here. Sure, maybe he didn’t change the lineup in times of need like he said but he’s human, we make mistakes. Missing the playoffs and winning 90 games is really going to get someone fired?
When your payroll is that high? And you had incredible hype going into the season? Yes.
Nope, not his fault. Media made the hype. Boston still had many question marks. Be rational.
Bring back Zimmer!!! Or some old scrappy ex player type – Garner, Trammel or really blow everyones mind and get Joe Torre. Torre would be fantastic- get to watch Redsox and yankee fans do some revisionist history ( sox fans would love him while yanks would claim anyone could have managed the championship teams). I say they go for the big splash and make a run at bobby valentine and hopefully Francona ends up with my cubs
Yeah. Zim for manager and Pedro for pitching coach. THAT should work out well! lol…
Yeah. Zim for manager and Pedro for pitching coach. THAT should work out well! lol…
keep tito!!!! FIRE THEO!!!!
Why not trade him, so then we would get something in return atleast.
Lavarnway gets called up at end of August, get 2 at bats, waits till both Catchers are hurt, and Varitek is 2-26 in Month of Sept. Magic Fingers didn’t help staff, and he kept putting him out there. Varitek was done after the 08 season, when he went 1-20 against the Rays, in Play-offs. Sox will probably make him next Manager.
Because could he couldn’t hit, Sox had to make a move for V-Mart, lost Haggadone and Masterson. Lost V-Mart, now Salty, I have no problems there, but come on this guy has cost team in other ways. Francona’s loyalty cost him his job.
As often happens in business, it also happens in sports: upper management makes a scapegoat of the manager.
Did Terry sign Crawford to that awful contract? Did Terry sign Lackey to that awful contract? Who failed to land a catcher? Who overpaid for Dice K? Is it Terry’s fault that Beckett became overweight? Who traded away Masterson?
Boy Wonder ought to take a good look in the mirror.
Theo should be the one to go next, his mistakes have cost the Sox for years to come. He traded away the young starting pitching while the Rays and Yanks have many young pitchers on the rise. This happened in a time where teams are holding on to their young pitchers and not letting them become free agents. If they don’t get CJ Wilson or Darvish in the off season they will be toast.
Oh, I almost forgot. How many other managers won even ONE World Series title, let alone TWO? And, how long ago was that?
you conveniently fail to mention the development (and nontrades) of Lester, Pedroia, Youk, Ellsbury, Buchholz, Bard, and Papelbon. remember when he was practically crucified for not trading Lester and Ellsbury for Santana? you fail to mention the acquisition of Ortiz, Schilling, Beckett, and more. why is that?
oh, but then you contribute the entire success of 2004 and 2007 to Francona. perhaps you forgot that Theo built those teams.
can somebody say haterrrrr
No, Manny and Damon were the big reason for those teams success. The Sox failed to realize the value of those two players!
Hired by the Cubs in 3…2…1…
You do realize that the Cubs hired the LAST manager (Don Zimmer) who blew a *10* game lead at the AS break and then a game 163 in 1978, because was IMO the most inept manager they have had and without a doubt since my following of the Sox that began in the early 60’s.
Now.. Since it IS the Cubs and we know how “Rickety” they are.. They might just follow along and hire Francona. Not that Francona is the dolt that Zimmer was, but they are an ancient club, ful of ets and am sure he would find himself a bunch of new buddies there to get attached to and insist on playing everyday, just like he did in Bston and many of the vets they have are as bad as Tek and mcDonald that Francona would not sit down.
You do realize that the Cubs hired the LAST manager (Don Zimmer) who blew a *10* game lead at the AS break and then a game 163 in 1978, because was IMO the most inept manager they have had and without a doubt since my following of the Sox that began in the early 60’s.
Now.. Since it IS the Cubs and we know how “Rickety” they are.. They might just follow along and hire Francona. Not that Francona is the dolt that Zimmer was, but they are an ancient club, ful of ets and am sure he would find himself a bunch of new buddies there to get attached to and insist on playing everyday, just like he did in Bston and many of the vets they have are as bad as Tek and mcDonald that Francona would not sit down.
Regardless of what happens, no one can deny that Theo and Tito has been the most successful GM-manager combo in Sox history. Thank you Tito for the championships you brought! (I can’t believe how so many Sox fans are calling for Tito’s head…show him some respect for what he’s done in Boston)
Tito was handed a lot in Boston, including big money free agents, $150+ million payrolls and a productive farm system.
There are a whole buncha managers that would’ve loved to have his roster, season in and season out. He was pedestrian at best as a game day manager; too many significant, game-costing poor managerial decisions to even keep track of over 8 seasons.
Great guy and he handled a high profile team in a difficult media town very well.
In the clubhouse, when he needed to get in one of his players faces, it simply wasn’t happening. In a nutshell, he pampered his players and “had their back” way too much.
And the recent “Tim Wakefield 200 Win Traveling Circus” during August & September was absolutely absurd. NINE starts for a AAA-level pitcher until he finally got his 200th win…all the while their AL East lead continued to dwindle.
Waaaay too sentimental.
Tito was handed a lot in Boston, including big money free agents, $150+ million payrolls and a productive farm system.
There are a whole buncha managers that would’ve loved to have his roster, season in and season out. He was pedestrian at best as a game day manager; too many significant, game-costing poor managerial decisions to even keep track of over 8 seasons.
Great guy and he handled a high profile team in a difficult media town very well.
In the clubhouse, when he needed to get in one of his players faces, it simply wasn’t happening. In a nutshell, he pampered his players and “had their back” way too much.
And the recent “Tim Wakefield 200 Win Traveling Circus” during August & September was absolutely absurd. NINE starts for a AAA-level pitcher until he finally got his 200th win…all the while their AL East lead continued to dwindle.
Waaaay too sentimental.
Francona and the owners all left Fenway without issuing a statement shortly after Noon. I strongly suspect that there is a negotiation process underway. Perhaps the ownership is saying to Tito, we’d like to renew you for only 1 year, with a second year option/buyout, and see how it goes next season. I have to admit that I am somewhat confused as to what the options the BoSox have with Tito, right now. Is it a series of two one-year options or a single two-year option? Cot’s makes it seem as if it is a series of 2 one-year options, but many from the press are reporting as if it is a two-year option.
This isn’t a firing. People are lumping the collapse and the subsequent recovery into the same issue, and they’re entirely separate.
The organization is blaming everyone. Theo for big contracts and poor evaluation. Tito for not being able to get the pieces to work. Ownership for being asleep at the wheel. Players for getting fat and cocky and quitting the team. Collapse is over. Everyone failed. Everyone’s to blame. Not one person.But now you have to recover and turn the team around. Totally separate issue now. Is Tito the guy to turn this team around. Is this a team he feels he can reach? Is he just burnt out? Could be all of those, but I don’t think it’s a stretch at all to say he won’t be back with the team or even harder for Sox fans to come to grips with – that it’s the right call and that he’s not the guy to lead THIS particular team.
They can’t release 25 players. They can send some guy packing, and I’m sure they will. But because Tito can’t turn them around doesn’t mean someone else can’t. Doesn’t even necessarily mean that Tito can’t. It’s that he doesn’t want to. You have a team that’s absurdly talented and shouldn’t be blown to pieces on the basis of a 30 game stink-fest. But there are changes that need to happen to insure we don’t get a repeat and they’re far more nuanced than normal. Maybe getting a new personality for a manager is that nuance. I don’t see this as a ‘Fire Tito because we need someone to blame’ dismissal as much as it is a ‘Is this the right guy to lead this team’ parting of ways. Tito leaving Boston isn’t the end of things and I’m confident they can find a good replacement. I’d also be thrilled if he came back. Either or.
The Sox just lost the best part of their team, Tito was a great manager the collapse was just too much for him to take!